Writer vs. Author! #ASMSG

I’m baaaaaaccccckkkkkk!

Where did I go, you ask? Oh, you didn’t even know I was gone, you say… Well in either case, I’m here once again. I suppose you can say I took a break, a breather, a short sabbatical, or just earned my true author wings and decided to become an introvert for a few months. What is it about authors and writers with that? I really admire those authors who can balance being the social media belle of the ball, and also pump out ten books a year. Clearly, I am not that kind of author. I need time to marinate on my stories, and watch them grow into something bigger. And once they’ve come to fruition, I may or may not publish.







See, that’s part of why I needed a little break. I had fallen into some sort of self-publishing wind tunnel where I felt like I needed to focus on production. I wanted to be apart of everything. Write, write, write! Join this group! Watch this trend! Hit publish!! I set goals that were impossible for me to accomplish organically. Then I felt pressure. Mind you, this is all coming from me. So I needed to refocus. The real problem was that as a writer, not all of my stories are for public consumption. I write because that’s what I love to do. It doesn’t mean that I have to share every single project with the world. I never did before, so why was I trying to do that now? I don’t know. So, I took a break. No more interviews, no more hosting blog tours. Nothing that required that I log on at a certain day or time. I finished up some projects that I was working on, and I started some new ones. I’m letting the creativity flow, instead of trying to dictate it. And now, I feel like me again. The writer, who is also an author.