Blogger Book Fair! (I’m Participating With 89 Other Authors, So Far!)


Blogger Book Fair is like a blog hop. It is held every six months and showcases authors and their books. Participating blogs will have giveaways, discounts, and other events you can’t find anywhere else. Check the attending authors and fun events!!

Blogger Book Fair! (I’m Participating With 89 Other Authors, So Far!).

If You Love a Writer – Blog – Eileen Flanagan

If You Love a Writer – Blog – Eileen Flanagan.

This is a great blog post by Eileen Flanagan that explains what we authors/writers need from our family and friends. The hardest thing for me to express is how much support an author, especially a new or indie author needs to get that book you loved to be a success. These are just a few I liked 😉

4. If you genuinely like your friend’s book, write a review on Amazon or Goodreads, mention it on Facebook and Twitter, and recommend it to your book group.

6. If your friend is a good public speaker, recommend her to your church, synagogue, mosque, ashram, kid’s school, Rotary club, etc. If you live far away, your friend might get to come visit you and write it off her taxes.

7. If you have a website or blog, link to your friend’s website. The more people who link to her, the better she looks to the search engines, which may help people who don’t already love her to find her book. To be really helpful, don’t link on the words “my friend,” but on whatever keywords your friend might be using to find her target audience. (For example, I would especially appreciate people using the phrase “Serenity Prayer” to link to my page About the Serenity Prayer.)

10. If you pray, go ahead. It couldn’t hurt to pray she gets on Oprah.

I love authors